Where does the effort to adopt IHRA stand in California 2024?

IHRA Position Tracker
IHRA Position Tracker

Jewish organizations are increasingly divided on the issue of whether governments should adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. Jewish Legal News is closely monitoring this divide, tracking the positions of both organizations and politicians regarding their stance on the IHRA definition and its implementation at governmental levels.

For more background on the debate over IHRA, click here.

Does this politician or organization advocate for adopting the IHRA definition of antisemitism?

Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)
B’nai Brith
Jewish Voice for Peace
Governor Newsom
Hadassah California Jewish Caucus
IAC Jesse Gabriel (D-CA)
Hillel Scott Wiener (D-CA)
A E Pi
Federation San Diego

This list is current as of October 12, 2024. For changes, additions, and corrections, please contact us.