Part 1 explained how JCRC censored Jewish moms’ comments explaining that they don’t feel JCRC represents them, especially on several key issues.
Part 2 outlined the disagreement between the Jewish moms and JCRC regarding Ethnic Studies. I explain that in three simple steps, Ethnic Studies creates a religion based on Jews being guilty of committing the cardinal sin.
Part 3 described how Ethnic Studies teaches antisemitism in three simple steps.
Having exposed the model curriculum as transparently antisemitic, I now turn back to the question posed here in Part 4: Why does JCRC continue to support Ethnic Studies in general—and the antisemitic Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum in particular—despite knowing that Jews are categorized as part of the “dominant” oppressor group and that Israel is portrayed as a colonizer? How can it justify its support even after the supposed antisemitism “guardrails” that it considered necessary failed to pass in the legislature in August 2024?
Again, the model curriculum has been publicly available on California’s website since 2022, and our Jewish leaders are still telling us they “firmly” believe that “ethnic studies is a good thing for everyone, especially Jews.” About the model curriculum, JCRC says it is “proud of our successful track record supporting ethnic studies and representing our community’s interests.”
Were our Jewish leaders misled into supporting Ethnic Studies? Or do they cynically uphold it to preserve their ability to accuse “white Jews” of racism, thereby pressuring them into accepting a progressive agenda? Or, is it to otherwise gain favor with their progressive allies? Sadly, the answer may be JCRC CEO Tye Gregory actually believes what Ethnic Studies teaches. Perhaps a product of California education himself, he essentially repeats the Ethnic Studies propaganda as it relates to Jews that “white-passing” Jews have systemic advantages and Jews “must rectify” their racism against Jews of Color. That sounds like a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory in repackaged form.
Gregory’s framing of Jewish identity in racialized terms is divisive and has no place in public schools. Splitting Jews into either “white-presenting” or “Jews of color” misrepresents Judaism itself by imposing a separation among Jews that is uncalled for by Jewish culture and religion. Jews should not be forced to define themselves in terms that do not apply. Acquiescing to this framework has not promoted cross-racial understanding, as Gregory claims. Instead, it has caused antisemitism. JCRC, as a Jewish organization, needs to uplift all Jews instead of dividing us and calling us names. If you think that racism is inherent in some group of Jewish people, perhaps CEO of a Jewish community organization is not the best job for you.
Despite Gregory’s agenda, the censored Jewish moms understand the danger Jewish students are facing. Anti-Israel activist teachers and their curriculum have penetrated deeply into Bay Area schools, and tragically, the damage has already been done with the aid of our own Jewish organizations. The model curriculum is only one example that barely scratches the surface of the antisemitic material students are facing, as it doesn’t even begin to address the offensive materials the teachers have developed and introduced since October 7. New curricula are introduced faster than our ability to access it under public records laws.
JCRC must finally acknowledge the inherent antisemitism in Ethnic Studies and break with progressive allies on this issue if it wants to retain credibility with the Jewish community. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps by keeping it out of the model curriculum, JCRC did not initially realize that Ethnic Studies would teach that Jews are colonizers in Israel. But now that we all know that Ethnic Studies explicitly frames Israel as a colonizer, JCRC inexplicably maintains the same position. JCRC has to be aware of inherent antisemitism in Ethnic Studies, as it tried and failed in August 2024 to get more “guardrails” against antisemitism passed in the legislature. But it is unclear how these “guardrails” would be able to police antisemitic material that is currently being taught. When challenged, JCRC appears to censor criticism or respond with progressive platitudes that do not address the problem.
Despite increasing antisemitic incidents in schools, predictably encouraged by the antisemitic philosophy of Ethnic Studies, JCRC cannot be of much help to Jewish parents and students, because JCRC actually favors teaching Ethnic Studies. Not only does JCRC provide little help, but its position actively causes harm. School districts can falsely claim to have Jewish support for Ethnic Studies based on JCRC’s misleading assertion that they speak for the Jewish community.
Inexplicably, JCRC leaders act as if Ethnic Studies treats Jews equally to all other minorities. They shun criticism as coming from “outside California.” Gregory argues that “historically, textbooks were written through the lens of white Christian America, excluding minority experiences. For decades, Black, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander, and Native American communities have pushed for greater inclusion[.]”
But JCRC cannot continue prioritizing Gregory’s partisan agenda over the interests of Jews and Israel. Regardless of Gregory’s efforts to counter what he perceives as the dominance of “white Christian America,” he fails to recognize that Ethnic Studies treats Jews as undeserving social climbing whites who are inferior to other minorities. Our students cannot be used as pawns in ideological warfare.
It is baffling that JCRC ignores Jewish mothers’ complaints, censors their comments, and continues to approve of Ethnic Studies even after seeing the post-October 7 curriculum. At best, JCRC engages in a whack-a-mole strategy, addressing antisemitism case by case while ignoring the broader ideological framework of Ethnic Studies, which fundamentally distorts Jewish history and identity. Ignoring that the entire philosophy underlying Ethnic Studies is antisemitic will not make it go away. Neither will trying to silence the Jewish moms who see it firsthand and are trying to sound the alarm.
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